World Missions
Flag Church supports a number of World Missions. The missionaries below are who we support!

John and Shawn Alderman
Assist Western Europe with managing their construction or renovation projects for places of worship,

Tyler and Elina Charvat
Church planting. Pastoring at Generations Church Leipzig
Our church has played a key role in planting numerous churches. We planted Generations Church in 2016 and Generations Church International in 2022. As a result of the International Church, some of our leaders are now in the process of planting an Arabic-speaking church.

Kelly and Jenni Conrady
Reaching the Overlooked Hola Hope holahope.org
We recently broke ground on a new church building after helping to establish a new body of builders in among the Garifuna community- an under-reached people group here. This church is the very first church in the community- there are no other denominations.

Richard and Deborah Crabb
Church Planting - Evangelism Training - 20 Years - Assemblies of God Veteran Missionaries

Jan Cunningham
Teaching at the Bible school in Constanta

Bryan and Misty Elliot
Planting local churches along with rebooting the local church
In 2016 our church plant in Cardiff, Wales launched the first Royal Family Kids Camp in Europe. We faced a lack of resources and the doubting eyes of our local childrens' work authorities, but eight years later, we have two camps in Wales and one mentoring club serving foster children ages 6 to 12. We are now called Starfish Kids Camps and Mentoring, and we are expanding into England, Scotland, and Ireland. With each new location we can share the hope of Jesus, the love of His people, and the joy of simple childhood with more children who have seen trauma, neglect, and abuse - all through the hands of a local church.
Brent and Shelley Teague
AGWM West Africa Area Director Planting churches and changing lives. 33 yrs in Africa and planted nearly 400 churches.
For the past 10 years, we have had the privilege of partnering with the national church of Ivory Coast to plant 5,000 new churches across the country, including many in Muslim communities. We are elated to surpass our goal this month with a total of 5,029 new churches being planted. As an American mission, we are committed to helping the most vulnerable areas with tabernacle church construction, and are proud to have met our goal of building 500 tabernacle churches over the past decade. We are humbled and amazed by what the Lord has accomplished in this country through our collective efforts.

Paul and Angela Trementozzi
Planting local churches along with rebooting the local church
The International Church of Barcelona where we are now part of the leadership team, has three services every Sunday and every single service, without exception, has had multiple people coming to Christ! Most weeks there are lines of Young people waiting to get into the service! I have never seen this in all my years of ministry in Spain. It is incredibly encouraging!

Kevin and KyAnne Weaver
Network211 is a world missionary outreach focused on global evangelism and discipleship via the Internet.
Our big win is our suicide prevention initiative that has yielded 2,045 interventions with not one person lost. Over 1,850 of these individuals have made decisions for Jesus. Much of this success is due to our new location. We acquired this new facility in Springfield, MO that is now our new world headquarters. This building is serving as a lighthouse to Veterans, Military members and their families.

Childhope of Honduras
ChildHope serves nearly 100,000 children in 300 schools and projects in 20 countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean

US Missions
Flag Church supports a number of US Missions. The missionaries below are who we support!

Kent and Judy Anderson
We believe that church is called to be the instrument of change in every community. Through faith based serving and loving neighbors,
Judy and I have biked 200 miles over the Labor Day weekend for the past 11 years to raise funds for Rural Compassion's “Biking for Backpack” program. The objective of the bike ride is to help “jump start” a rural church’s back to school event by providing backpacks free of charge. We have distributed over 155.000 backpacks over the past decade.

Casey and Liz Bratcher
Campus Pastor Reaching young people on campus
Five years ago I found and discipled this guy named Josh Ward. He recently graduated and did a missions internship in Mexico and is praying about a lifetime in missions. He then discipled a guy named Colin. Colin then became a very awesome leader. Colin is graduating this year and is designing his life with his fiancé to transition to missions work in China in the coming years. Both Colin and his wife will have very profitable jobs after graduation and plan on giving away the entirety of one of the salaries. Colin then discipled a freshman named Camden. Camden got baptized by Colin and two other guys from their D Group. Camden is growing a ton and is joining leadership as a Freshman to be able to start discipling guys and continuing the generational discipleship for the next generation of freshman next school year. That is four generations of me to Josh to Colin to Camden is so beautiful to be apart of and see. Thank you Jesus for letting scripture come to life in Chi Alpha at Kansas State University.

Andy and Candice Estrella
Reaching young people on campus

Jason and Danica Geeseaman
Hope Fostered exists to bring hope to the foster care community by encouraging churches in wraparound
On top of launching our first Huggage county this month, we have been working with parents of kids in Foster Care. One of our favorite groups has been three bio-families that we have been teaching trauma informed and calm parenting skills to through a mentoring small group. Each family has seen incredible progress. They are learning to regulate themselves in the chaos in order to help their children through the adversity of the trauma their parents originally caused
Santiago Guerrero
​Bringing the truth of Jesus to members of organizations
Last year, we traveled to Salt Lake City, UT and conducted personal evangelism during the Mormon general conference. We had the opportunity to speak with approximately 30 families, and three of them expressed a keen interest in meeting with me. Over the course of two weeks, we met a total of four times. During these meetings, I presented the Gospel message, answered their questions, and challenged them to consider it. In the end, all three families chose to accept Christ into their lives!

David and Brenda Pantleo
Using motorcycles to reach the lost.
I met a man named Christopher who was 38 years old and had been drinking. We struck up a conversation after he noticed my Harley Davidson shirt. He invited me for a drink, but I declined, explaining that I had been sober for 36 years and how alcohol had negatively impacted my life and family.As it turned out, Christopher was going through a divorce and struggling deeply. I felt a calling from God to talk to him about seeking hope from Him. When I told him about my work as a biker minister, he was surprised but open to hearing more. I shared with him that I believed that God had placed us together in that row so that he could understand that God loved him and that if he turned to Him instead of alcohol, God would give him the hope and strength he needed to get through this difficult time and become the father his son deserved. Christopher agreed, and I led him to the Lord.
Randy and Lisa Parr
The Generations Church
We are very excited that our second campus, located in WaKeeney just celebrated their first anniversary service. We are outgrowing the building we rent which has us talking about adding a second service while we are building the permanent church. We have been working on the building project since last fall and are currently debt-free. Our mother church in Ness City celebrated our fourth anniversary last September and God has had us focus on discipleship and pursuing more of God. We see the congregations maturing and embracing the assignments God has given us as a church. God is moving in western Kansas and things that were prophesied over this area decades ago are beginning to come to pass!

Dayton and Ann Poe
Working to end human trafficking in the US.
Our Team served in Las Vegas during the F1 Race in November, 2023. During this 5-day operation, 14 children were safely recovered, ministry needs were provided for 7 families, and 6 law enforcement investigations of child exploitation were opened. Plane tickets, clothing, bedding, food, Thanksgiving dinners, Bibles, prayer, love, and hope were given at NO COST to the agencies or families.

Don and Gail Starnes
Works on a Christ-centered model of drug and alcohol recovery

Church Mobilization
Using RV Volunteers to mobilize churches.

Fostering Connections
Our goal is to connect the community and local churches to bless children in foster care through training and events that benefit both the child and the foster family.
We believe that every child is known and loved by God, and we want to partner with families to show His love to each one. From our Teen Impact Events, teaching teens important life skills and exposing them to faith based inspirational speakers monthly, to blessing almost 500 children in foster care in Southeast Kansas with a special, gift, book, and handwritten note on their birthday in 2023, our impact has been greatly enriched because of your giving."

Teen Challenge
Men (18 years and older) seeking freedom from substance abuse addictions find a haven of hope at Adult and Teen Challenge of the Four States.

Vie Medical Clinic
Vie Medical Clinic provides FREE health services such as Pregnancy testing, Ultrasound, STI/S